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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2021-01-02 13:18:32
Re:Archer AX50 . reboot again and again
@DanielSpalenka Hi All, unfortunately even the hard reset didn´t work. I belive it ia an issues with the heat management of the router. I´m going to return it and look for a different brand. Cheers...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-12-31 15:00:09
Re:Archer AX50 . reboot again and again
@Ivaylo Hi, it happend today ca. 5times so I´m responding again and providing additional information: System log from the last reboot and further more I can confirm there is nothing unusual regarding...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-12-06 15:29:19
Archer AX50 . reboot again and again
Hi, I´ve bought the above mentioned Router and installed it properly incl. firmware update etc. It works quite fine accept that the router reboots quite often during the day. I suspect heat issues...