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Forums/ Deco
2020-12-04 15:09:25
Re:Deactivate QOS on Deco M5 router. It's causing consistent issues with video conferencing.
@Alexandre. Also, I want to point out that if I put them in AP mode and lose all of the benefits of the router (antivirus/filtering, parental control, app alerts, device dashboard in app) the value...
Forums/ Deco
2020-12-04 12:57:05
Re:Deactivate QOS on Deco M5 router. It's causing consistent issues with video conferencing.
@Alexandre. Even with local wifi off, and handoffs between other attached APs the gateway fails to track client connection updates. The only way for stable operation with multiple APs is to have them...
Forums/ Deco
2020-12-04 03:16:00
Re:Deactivate QOS on Deco M5 router. It's causing consistent issues with video conferencing.
@Valleydude The AP mode puts the ATT box back as the gateway, and when running that way with multiple hardwired APs there is a pretty constant roaming issue because the gateway won't move traffic to...
Forums/ Deco
2020-12-04 00:19:11
Re:Deco M5 slowed down after firmware upgrade to
From reading the other posts about M5 performance (I am having an issue, but it's not quite what you are describing) the one thing that helps with unexpected drops in Wi-Fi performance is a factory...
Forums/ Deco
2020-12-04 00:15:29
Deactivate QOS on Deco M5 router. It's causing consistent issues with video conferencing.
I have a Deco M5 3-pack with one as the router (attached to AT&T fiber service 120mbit up/down) and with the satellites hard wired via ethernet. Speed tests via wired and wireless are great in all...
Forums/ Deco
2020-12-04 00:02:30
Re:Separate network
@LargeLars That Deco (the on you gave away) needs to be factory reset (see instructions on using the reset pinbutton) and then he needs to set it up in his app for his internet details. By giving it...