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Forums/ Adapters
2020-11-12 08:20:42
Re:TP-Link Archer TX3000 Wi-Fi 6 Bluetooth 5.0 PCIe Adapter-No Bluetooth connex Identified by Windows10
@Kathy_Z thankyou for your response and advice. I installed the new drivers you recommended AND removed the card and tried it in a different slot on teh motherboard AND tried the usb cable in a...
Forums/ Adapters
2020-11-09 03:12:17
TP-Link Archer TX3000 Wi-Fi 6 Bluetooth 5.0 PCIe Adapter-No Bluetooth connex Identified by Windows10
TP-Link Archer AX3000 Wi-Fi 6 Bluetooth 5.0 PCIe Adapter I Recently Purchased computer with this card installed- Wifi works wonderfully but there is not bluetooth connection available??? I have...