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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-11-10 19:40:23
Re:Archer C6 2.4G band stops working, disable then enable restores
What I have noticed is... This problem only occurred to me when My Guest 2.4ghz SSID is enabled! Disabled it... And the problem hasn't occurred in a while. The main 2.4ghz SSID is working absolutely...
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-10-31 09:53:04
Re:Archer C6 2.4G band stops working, disable then enable restores
@dIaBoLyK Go to your Router Page After Login! Go to Advanced -> System Tools -> System Parameters -> Untick [Enable WPS]
Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
2020-10-31 07:56:24
Re:Archer C6 2.4G band stops working, disable then enable restores
I also had the issue. Disabling WPS has fixed this issue. It's been weeks and now the problem has been solved for me.