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Forums/ Controllers
2021-01-29 18:06:20
Re:Remove Device from Local Access list in Omada IOS App
Thank you @Fae! You know I tried a lot of things but not that, it seems so obvious now! Isaac
Forums/ WiFi
2021-01-27 17:32:55
Re:Associate guest network token with mac address without using portal screen?
At leaste in v4.2.8 this is available in the 'Free Authentication Policy' section at the bottom of the Authentication page in the controller settings.
Forums/ Controllers
2021-01-27 17:19:48
Remove Device from Local Access list in Omada IOS App
How do I remove a 'local access' connection to a device in the IOS app? After upgrading an OC200 to firmware 1.7.3 and controller version 4.2.8 (from controller version 3.2.5) I was no longer able to...
Forums/ WiFi
2020-10-16 16:22:41
Associate guest network token with mac address without using portal screen?
Using a guest network with a portal and token authentication, can I associate a mac address with a token manually? Two use cases: - Connecting roku or other devices without an integrated browser. - A...