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Forums/ Range Extenders
2020-10-14 15:32:58
Re:Trying to link extender with TV firestick.No luck with password
@Solla-topee Hello thank you for your reply. It is RE200 model Everyway l try it's the same problem keeps saying my wi fi password is wrong. Which l know it isn't. I have reset it but again it...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2020-10-13 12:20:09
Re:Password for TP link is not the same as for wireless router
@mustbnuts Hello did you ever get your wi fi password sorted. I have the same problems as you,set up fine but when l put my router password in it says invalid. Maggie
Forums/ Range Extenders
2020-10-13 12:10:32
Trying to link extender with TV firestick.No luck with password
Brought AC750 wi do extender. Set up is fine until l have to put my router password in and then nothing. Tries to authenticate but keeps coming up invalid password. Contacted provider SSE who...