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Forums/ Range Extenders
2020-10-14 13:05:26
Re:Connection to the secondary network generated by TL-WA850RE range extender fails.
@albi42 Thank you again The problem is solved. It was necessary to redefine the secondary network name deleting the _EXT suffix so to make the primary and secondary name the same. This was not...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2020-10-14 08:42:53
Re:Connection to the secondary network generated by TL-WA850RE range extender fails.
@Solla-topee Thank you for your answer -The router is FASTGate GPON model FGA2130FWB connected to the network with an optical fiber -Client is a laptop with WINDOWS 10 OS (italian lnguage) -The...
Forums/ Range Extenders
2020-10-12 15:41:49
Connection to the secondary network generated by TL-WA850RE range extender fails.
Trying to connect the extended wifi net (primary network name plus a _EXT suffix ) generated with a WPS procedure, a network security key is requested but the primary network password is not accepted...