TL-WA1201: No VLAN on LAN-Interface without VLAN-WiFi possible?

TL-WA1201: No VLAN on LAN-Interface without VLAN-WiFi possible?

TL-WA1201: No VLAN on LAN-Interface without VLAN-WiFi possible?
TL-WA1201: No VLAN on LAN-Interface without VLAN-WiFi possible?
Model: TL-WA1201  
Hardware Version: V3
Firmware Version: TL-WA1201(EU)_V3_1.10.40 Build 240715

I use both Access-Points (AP) TLWA1201 and TL WA1801. Both AP are in multi-SSID mode and connected via LAN to a managed switch. I want to set the LAN connection of the AP to VLAN10.


TLWA1801: No problems.

TLWA1201: I can only get to the management interface if I activate one of the AP-WiFi with VLAN10-Tag. If I delete the VLAN10 WiFI on the AP, I can no longer access the management interface via LAN. However, Internet and WiFi works still fine. I can only get back to the management interface with a Reset of the Device.


With TLWA1801 I can still get to the administration interface with the same configuration via LAN.


Is there a solution or a newer firmware for that problem?
