Deco M5 loosing connection every 30seconds - PPPoE direct to ONT - BT (UK)
I have a Deco mesh system that I have been using flawlessly connected to a BT smart hub 2 router via Dynamic IP
I have recently had my fiber connection upgraded from FTTC to FTTP and want to connect my Deco straight to my ONT and not use my BT provided smart hub at all but I'm having issues.
I set up the PPPoE connection on my Deco using the username and password provided by BT and at first I had a stable but slightly slower connection. I'm on the 500Mb package and my speed test results went from 510Mb/s when connected through my smarthub to 430MB/s when connected straight to my ONT. Is that to be expected?
But that isn't the main problem.
After running like that for a day I decided to reboot my Deco.
Since then my internet connection drops every 30 seconds so is unusable.
I have gone back to using the BT smart hub with the Deco attached to it and it works the same as before with 500mb/s+ download speeds.
Any idea what could be going on with my attempts connecting my Deco straight to my ONT? I'd like to get rid of my smarthub to free up space and stop double-NATing. What fault finding steps should can i do?
Current Config:
/ Deco
ONT=>SH2=>Deco (Wifi) - Deco
\ Deco
Desired Config:
/ Deco
ONT=>Deco (Wifi) - Deco
\ Deco