be800 sniffing data packets
We have a new TP Link Be800 in our lab and we are using latest intel sniffer which can capture data packets in 11be, 320Mhz. I have tried this manually and it works. Now the issue I am seeing recently is that foe 320Mhz, there is a cocept I came to know Channelization_1 and channelization_2 and it is up the AP to deicde which one to choose, I am not able to sniff data when I think I am on 320, cahnnel 37 for example and the set monitor mode to sudo iw dev mon0 set freq 6135 320 6105, this does not work. But when I do sudo iw dev mon0 set freq 6135 320 6265, this works. But even 6265 does not work sometimes, which made me realize that this _1 and _2 is coming into picture from the below. Now my issue is, how do I know which channel the AP selected or is there a way to force AP to choose _1 or _2 at all, so I know which channel I need to set my sniffer to, to capture data packets?