VDSL Archer 2800 modem to AX11000 router config IGMP Multicast config
I'm in the UK and trying to configure a combo of Archer 2800 and AX11000 as VDSL modem and router (I assumed 2 TP Link products should work together)
If I use the 2800 as a stand alone modem/router by itself
I use the default config and selecting my provider, IGMP multicast works off Lan 1 say, wifi works, everything is fine, tv works
If I use the 2800 as a fttc vdsl modem only and connect to the AX11000 to use as a ethernet & wifi router
I connect the 2800 Lan port 1 to the AX11000 Wan, connect tv stb via a Lan port, turn off DHCP,
connect via bridge mode in IPTV settings with dynamic IP address in the internet settings,
I get no IGMP packets received and no tv signal
I tried changing the IPTV config settings in various ways but no joy, am I missing something fundamental?
Is there any way I can test traffic to the WAN port? searching IGMP in the system log returns nothing