problem with repeater mode - can't get IP address
problem with repeater mode - can't get IP address
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2013-02-09 02:41:24
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problem with repeater mode - can't get IP address
2013-02-09 02:41:24
Region : Poland
Model : TL-MR3040
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version : recent
I have a tplink mr-3040 modem to use as repeater for my travels in hotels and after 2 monts I was not able to make it to work any time.
Whenever I try with WEP, WPA or OPEN - like today - it's always the same problem: I can see repeated network with strong signal, but when I want to connect using laptop or phone connection stop on level of "getting IP address" and never end with final time-out.
Am I doing something wrong in my setup ? I'm setting repeater using quick steps, searching existing network and entering type of security + passwords if needed.
For IP conflicts: today I'm trying to repeat open network with root router ip range in 10.x.x.x, so MR3040 with default ip set to 192.x.x.x can't be conflicted.
Please advice, because now this device and spent money are useless for me.
Model : TL-MR3040
Hardware Version : V1
Firmware Version : recent
I have a tplink mr-3040 modem to use as repeater for my travels in hotels and after 2 monts I was not able to make it to work any time.
Whenever I try with WEP, WPA or OPEN - like today - it's always the same problem: I can see repeated network with strong signal, but when I want to connect using laptop or phone connection stop on level of "getting IP address" and never end with final time-out.
Am I doing something wrong in my setup ? I'm setting repeater using quick steps, searching existing network and entering type of security + passwords if needed.
For IP conflicts: today I'm trying to repeat open network with root router ip range in 10.x.x.x, so MR3040 with default ip set to 192.x.x.x can't be conflicted.
Please advice, because now this device and spent money are useless for me.
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Re:problem with repeater mode - can't get IP address
2013-02-09 05:06:42
In survey button you can see any SSID?
Czy w konfiguracji repeater widzisz jakieś sieci?
Czy w konfiguracji repeater widzisz jakieś sieci?
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Re:problem with repeater mode - can't get IP address
2013-02-09 05:39:21
Yes, in quick setup I see networks and I choose the one I need. In next step I setup needed security. After router reboot I can see that network is boosted (from 30 to 90%), but I can't connect with my laptop or smartphone to repeated network. Unfortunately router-repeater doesn't assign IP address.
Tak, widze wszystkie sieci, nastepnie wybieram ta ktora chce wzmocnic. W kolejnym kroku ustawiac zabezpieczenie lub dla otwartej wybieram brak. Potem urzadzenie wzmacnia siec, poniewaz sygnal 30% wzmacniany jest do 90%, ale przy probie polaczenia z laptopa czy smartphona niestety nie przyznaje IP i nastepuje timeout.
Tak, widze wszystkie sieci, nastepnie wybieram ta ktora chce wzmocnic. W kolejnym kroku ustawiac zabezpieczenie lub dla otwartej wybieram brak. Potem urzadzenie wzmacnia siec, poniewaz sygnal 30% wzmacniany jest do 90%, ale przy probie polaczenia z laptopa czy smartphona niestety nie przyznaje IP i nastepuje timeout.
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Re:problem with repeater mode - can't get IP address
2013-02-09 05:48:06
What do you have in repeater status after connection?
Co masz w statusie repeatera po połączeniu? Zabezpieczenia poprawnie wpisujesz?
Co masz w statusie repeatera po połączeniu? Zabezpieczenia poprawnie wpisujesz?
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Re:problem with repeater mode - can't get IP address
2013-02-09 05:53:17
What do you mean "status after connection" ? I can't connect to network/repeater when when it's set to repeat network mode, because it doesn't assign IP to connecting devices. I can only reset (with physical button) and connect via default tplink settings to try setup as repeater once again.
Nie bardzo wiem co masz na mysli, poniewaz nie udaje mi sie polaczyc do routera po ustawieniu go jako repeater, poniewaz w tym trybie nie przyznaje laczacemu sie urzadzeniu IP. Moge jedynie zrobic fizyczny reset i zaczac ustawiac jeszcze raz.
Nie bardzo wiem co masz na mysli, poniewaz nie udaje mi sie polaczyc do routera po ustawieniu go jako repeater, poniewaz w tym trybie nie przyznaje laczacemu sie urzadzeniu IP. Moge jedynie zrobic fizyczny reset i zaczac ustawiac jeszcze raz.
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Re:problem with repeater mode - can't get IP address
2013-02-09 05:58:33
You try make wired connection with your router. What is your LAN address on router?
Spróbuj połączenia kablowego z twoim routerem. Jaki masz adres IP na routerze?
Spróbuj połączenia kablowego z twoim routerem. Jaki masz adres IP na routerze?
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Re:problem with repeater mode - can't get IP address
2013-02-09 06:35:08
When I try connect to router (when it's paired and set as repeater) it's the same problem as when I try via wifi connection: "setting up ip address" forever, until timeout. I can connect only after reset router to default settings.
Probuje, ale jest to samo co przez wifi. Nie ustawia adresu ip.
Probuje, ale jest to samo co przez wifi. Nie ustawia adresu ip.
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Re:problem with repeater mode - can't get IP address
2013-02-09 06:38:25
You have to write addresses in your computer network card because probably DHCP on router is disabled (switch off).
Musisz wpisać jakiś adres do karty sieciowej (z puli routera) aby móc się z nim połączyć przez przeglądarkę.
Musisz wpisać jakiś adres do karty sieciowej (z puli routera) aby móc się z nim połączyć przez przeglądarkę.
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Re:problem with repeater mode - can't get IP address
2013-02-09 06:52:09
As I understand, router in repeater mode is passing all DHCP queries to root router to be transparent and doesn't assign IP's itself, but only per answers from root router. I think this moment fails on my repeater (tested on many wifi networks open and secured).
I'm doing testing with OPEN network now. Orginal router assign me IP and has address itself. When I start repeater and put a wire into laptop it start to set IP address automatically, but fails. When I set on wire interface of laptop and then ping it doesn't work:
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
Wydaje mi sie, ze w trybie repeater router przekazuje wszystkie zapytania DHCP do nadrzednego routera i przydziela je potem w/g odpowiedzi i ten moment chyba nie dziala w moim MR 3040. Nie mam pojecia jak sie z nim polaczyc w trybie repeater i jaka ewentualnie pule adresu ustawic. Obecnie testuje na otwartej sieci, z routerem ustawionym na i ktora przy poalczeniu bez repeatera daje mi Kiedy wlaczam repeater i probuje laczyć sie po kablu ustawienie reczne nic nie daje. Nie moge sie polczyc z routerem po jego adresie (o ile taki ma)
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
I'm doing testing with OPEN network now. Orginal router assign me IP and has address itself. When I start repeater and put a wire into laptop it start to set IP address automatically, but fails. When I set on wire interface of laptop and then ping it doesn't work:
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
Wydaje mi sie, ze w trybie repeater router przekazuje wszystkie zapytania DHCP do nadrzednego routera i przydziela je potem w/g odpowiedzi i ten moment chyba nie dziala w moim MR 3040. Nie mam pojecia jak sie z nim polaczyc w trybie repeater i jaka ewentualnie pule adresu ustawic. Obecnie testuje na otwartej sieci, z routerem ustawionym na i ktora przy poalczeniu bez repeatera daje mi Kiedy wlaczam repeater i probuje laczyć sie po kablu ustawienie reczne nic nie daje. Nie moge sie polczyc z routerem po jego adresie (o ile taki ma)
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
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Re:problem with repeater mode - can't get IP address
2013-02-09 07:02:18
But you have some problem with connection in this mode (we have to localize issue). Oryginal IP on this device is and you have to write this addrressation in your computer
For example and mask and next try to connect by the cable.
Masz jakiś problem z połączeniem w tym trybie (trzeba je zlokalizować). Orginalne IP dla twojego routera to więc wpisz adres z tej puli do karty na komputerze i spróbuj połączenia kablowego aby sprawdzić co masz w statusie MR3040.
For example and mask and next try to connect by the cable.
Masz jakiś problem z połączeniem w tym trybie (trzeba je zlokalizować). Orginalne IP dla twojego routera to więc wpisz adres z tej puli do karty na komputerze i spróbuj połączenia kablowego aby sprawdzić co masz w statusie MR3040.
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Re:problem with repeater mode - can't get IP address
2013-02-09 07:15:38
ok, thanks. I'm able to connect via wire with router in repeater mode using IP ( on my card) and I can see status now, it seems to be fine:
Firmware Version:
3.14.2 Build 120822 Rel.40902n
Hardware Version:
MR3040 v1 00000000
MAC Address:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Operation Mode: Repeater
Channel: 11
Channel Width: Automatic
MAC Address: 90-F6-52-80-12-0E
Traffic Statistics
Received Sent
Bytes: 1308 13271
Packets: 21 126
Dzieki, udalo mi sie polaczyc z routerem po kablu i oto status w trybie repeater, ktory wyglada chyba poprawnie:
Firmware Version:
3.14.2 Build 120822 Rel.40902n
Hardware Version:
MR3040 v1 00000000
MAC Address:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Operation Mode: Repeater
Channel: 11
Channel Width: Automatic
MAC Address: 90-F6-52-80-12-0E
Traffic Statistics
Received Sent
Bytes: 1308 13271
Packets: 21 126
Firmware Version:
3.14.2 Build 120822 Rel.40902n
Hardware Version:
MR3040 v1 00000000
MAC Address:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Operation Mode: Repeater
Channel: 11
Channel Width: Automatic
MAC Address: 90-F6-52-80-12-0E
Traffic Statistics
Received Sent
Bytes: 1308 13271
Packets: 21 126
Dzieki, udalo mi sie polaczyc z routerem po kablu i oto status w trybie repeater, ktory wyglada chyba poprawnie:
Firmware Version:
3.14.2 Build 120822 Rel.40902n
Hardware Version:
MR3040 v1 00000000
MAC Address:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Operation Mode: Repeater
Channel: 11
Channel Width: Automatic
MAC Address: 90-F6-52-80-12-0E
Traffic Statistics
Received Sent
Bytes: 1308 13271
Packets: 21 126
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2013-02-09 02:41:24
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