VR400 issues

VR400 issues

VR400 issues
VR400 issues
a week ago
Model: Archer VR400  
Hardware Version: V3
Firmware Version: 1.5.0 0.9.1


i have issues with VR400


1. - OneMesh switch works only in Beta version after turning it on and off and reboot. 

But Beta version has confidental splash over entire page and it is not great because this.


2. - Qos works only on 2G wifi, on 5G wifi it does nothing.

It should work on both bands.


3. - Wifi 5G has only 36-48 channel range, no DFS channels.

That is quite limiting, when these channels will become crowded.


4. Will this model support WPA3 encryption?

Other models are getting updated to support WPA3.


Could these issues be fixed in new stable release?



2 Reply
Re:VR400 issues
a week ago



Hi, welcome to our community.

First, the Beta you are using is old, there has been official firmware released on the official website, which newly added the OneMesh switch. Please take local update to the latest one following this guide.

For the QoS settings, you may refer to the guide to check.

And whether the device supports DFS channel is also decided by local wireless regulations.

We are not sure whether WPA3 will be added to the model, we will log and deliver your feature request to the related team.

Thank you and best regards.




Re:VR400 issues
a week ago - last edited a week ago



I had latest stable but OneMesh switch works properly only in Beta, no hidden SSID.


Qos It has no effect on 5G Wifi.


DFS I have EU version. Tried another regions, it does not support DFS.


