Do I need a separate modem/router?
I set up my mesh system about 4 years ago with 2 X20 units. With advice from the hardware supplier (Vodafone/One NZ) one X20 unit is connected directly to the optical fibre network point, therefore acting as a router. My house is not large, about 208 sqM, but two years ago I added 2 M4 (V4) units. My fibre network provider contract is for up to 900 MbPS. In reality I do not experience speeds anything like that, peaking at around 600MbPS download at best (at my home office desktop). The problem is that I still experience poor connection and buffering with my new "smart" TV which is connected via WiFi. The best technical advice my provider has offered is to re-boot the system, also they do not seem able to get their heads around my not having a dedicated modem/router.
My question is, am I losing speed/functionality by not having a dedicated modem/router? Do I need to invest in additional nodes and perhaps sit one by the TV (it is at present about 4 metres away from the nearest node)?
Any advice or suggestions to address the problem will be much appreciated.