Deco X60 mesh - wired device drops connection after few day
Hi all,
I have installed a mesh network (3 devices) One device is connected to the main device via cable (devices on same switch), the other wireless. The app indicates the connectivity correctly. Everything works fine.
After a few days the wired device goes offline. Eg my Phone can't connect any more and uses 5G in stead of Wifi. Apparently wifi from that device stops, other devices remain working. App indicates that everything is still working.
After rebooting that single (wired) device from within the app, the wifi-connection starts working again. Why is the connection dropping after about 5 days? How can this be solved?
Should devices be connected in series? Problem does not occur when using a wireles setup by disconnecting the cable (also other wireless device works fine!). I would like to have them linked via cable to get max speed. Thanks!