Garden office WiFi, Extender not extending
I have a garden office and having issues with the WiFi.
My EE Smart Hub Plus does a stellar job inside the house, but the signal struggles to reach the office, which is about 15 meters from the router.
I picked up a TP-Link RE605X extender thinking it would do the trick, and located it between the two (router and office) I placed it on the external wall only 5 meters away from the office but sadly, it's not providing the boost I need.
Currently relying on powerline adapters for a wired connection, but WiFi is essential for other devices.
Anyone have any recommendations for achieving reliable WiFi in my garden office setup?
Do I need a new router? Although the extender has great signal... Just the last journey.
Do I need a different extender?
Would a mesh system solve it?
Or can I get an AP on the end of the power line adapter in the office? Although the wiring in the house is old and might not relay the signal well enough for additional things.
Sorry if the terminology is off, learning the terms..
Welcome all solutions that do not cost the earth!!