How to configure W9960 as an access point
Hi, I would really appreciate some help if anyone is able to give it.
I have a large house with thick walls, so have 4 x TP-Link WA-901N devices, all configured as Access Point, all connected to my Ethernet switch. The switch connects to the Virgin Media box which connects to the fibre-optic ethernet cable.
Fine - it is easy with the WA-901: you just select 'Access Point', set the Static IP [e.g.] and subnet mask [] and the Gateway address [].
I am now trying to add another Access Point, a W9960.
BUT on the W9960 there is no option to select 'Access Point' - so how do I configure the W9960 as an Access Point?
DSL Modulation type: VDSL
Selected Wireless Router Mode
There are 3 'Connection Types' offered:
- Dynamic IP
- Static IP
I have selected Static IP and entered the info:
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default gateway:
Primary DNS: [correct for Virgin UK]
Secondary DNS:
VLAN is off
The Internet LED is On on the box and with the cable on the W9960 plugged into port 4 'LAN/WAN' the tether app says 'TD-W9960' is working well and that there is an internet connection.
When I connect to the W9960 with my mobile phone it still says the default W9960 IP address of, not and if I go into LAN Settings, DHCP Settings and put in as the LAN IP and disable the DHCP server [as should be the case for an Access Point] there is a pop-up error "Invalid configuration of DHCP address pool. DHCP address pool must be on the same subnet with the network and the host number cannot be all 0 or all 1 binary values."
BUT the default gateway is set to so is on the same subnet?
I have looked at the W9970 video for setting up as an Access Point but this does not help.