Vr400 V2 stuttering when upload speed is low
In the morning i will see 90mbps down, 10 up. At peak hour, download is around 50mbps and 5 up which is fine. It seems to be that if the upload speed drops any lower than around 3-4 mbps due to some congestion, this router does not like it at all.
When the upload speed is fine, the router behaves normally and ping times to the router over LAN are consistently under 1ms, and Ping times to western Australia stay at around 30ms. When the upload drops due to a slightly congested network, the router starts to stutter for no apparent reason. Ping times to the router itself on the LAN network jump to 50+ ms, and packets to the outside world start being dropped, or see massive ping times of 500-800ms. During these periods, Speedtest.net shows ~0.2mbps down and up, and takes multiple minutes to load a simple website. Restarting the router/NTD does not have any effect during this time. It will do this for any time period from 5-60 minutes, and all of a sudden returns to normal like nothing has happened. Speed and ping recovers instantly. What leads me to believe that the issue is with the modem/router and not the internet connection/isp is:
1. The ping times over local network to the router ( heavily increase when the event occurs. 50+ ms
2. No one else in the area has issues with the isp (Aussie Broadband)
3. I have used my computer itself as the router, and these lag spikes do not occur. I would still be using it but i do need wifi.
I have attached a large fan blowing into the base of the router to combat any overheating issues, but this has not changed anything.
This router was purchased in western Australia.
All of these speed tests and ping times have been taken from multiple different computers and Ethernet cables, directly to the modem/router.
Is there a different firmware file that I can use to hopefully resolve this issue?
thank you.