PX50 still pulsing blue after 12 hours.
I already had a pair of Deco XE75, but still lacked power to punch through my wals, so I just bought a pair of Deco PX50 to add in. I followed the installation Guide, which is pretty straightforward, and got to the point of having blue pulsing. I left it as it was getting late, and now, 10 hours later I am no further on. I can see the network on my phone, but it is "connected without Internet"
I am running other devices off my router, including an Archer C6 with VPN, so I know it's OK. I also tried with my 4G router, still no movement.
So I looked at the page about resetting the DNS settings, but my TP-Link app will not connect to the PX50. Instead it seems to be trying to connect to the XE75, which is disabled at the moment.
So I cannot get my phone app to connect to the PX50, at all. I tried the default LAN IP address of 192.168. 68.1, but it just wants me to re-download the app.
I deleted the app and reisntalled, it just can't find a Deco.
So, what next?