TFTP error when flashing the OEM firmware
When I bought this router I read online that it supports VPN. when I opened the settings I noticed that it only has VPN server support and not VPN client.
After being disapointed for a couple of days I decied to give OpenWRT a try as I noticed that I can install OpenVPN clinet on it and try it out!
I installed OpenWRT and OpenVPN. however, if the VPN connection drops it will connect me without VPN. so I found that useless and I decided to install the OEM firmware.
I downloaded the `TL-MR6400(EU)_5.0_1.7.0 Build` firmware from the official website (and I selected the proper hardware version V5.30)
then I extracted the bin file `TL-MR6400(EU)v5_1.7.0_0.9.1_[240716-rel67874]_up_boot_All_Release_2024-07-17_17.59.34.bin` and I tried to falsh it using tftp on windows
it loads the file until it's 96% and then it returns the following error `TIMEOUT waiting for Ack block #128926`
The first weird thing I noticed is that the bin file is ~67MB!
I googled the issue up and I noticed people suggesting to "strip" the firmware before flashing it using the following command `dd if=original.bin of=tp_recovery skip=257 bs=512` yet that only reduced the size to ~65MB and didn't seem to help.
I need to know how to flash the OEM firmware again.
thanks in advance for any help.
bs: I hope that the VPN client feature gets implemented in the next version of the firmware (and be reliable) having that would've saved me countless hours