TL-MR6400 Auto Reboot / Reconnect 4G

TL-MR6400 Auto Reboot / Reconnect 4G

TL-MR6400 Auto Reboot / Reconnect 4G
TL-MR6400 Auto Reboot / Reconnect 4G
4 hours ago
Model: TL-MR6400  
Hardware Version:
Firmware Version:

Hi, i see there's no auto reboot function for the router - is there a chance we can get this added to schedule a reconnect. Im on Vodafone (VOXI) and my internet always dies about midnight. (havent investigated why, but suspect its something to do with DHCP leases?) I have to go on the tp link app, and disconnect the connection and reconnect to regain internet.  The issue I have is im about to go away - and my internet will need to remain online for my CCTV..  I dont want to have to go the "plugin power timer to reset" it's just hacky - when there should be a way to do this basic maintenance daily / upon DHCP reset (disconnect and reconnect).  Windows knows my connection has died straight away - so surely the router can test - and reconnect to try to resolve it... 
