2.4 GHz network VERY unstable with Deco XE70s

2.4 GHz network VERY unstable with Deco XE70s

2.4 GHz network VERY unstable with Deco XE70s
2.4 GHz network VERY unstable with Deco XE70s
2024-10-25 20:38:37 - last edited 2024-10-25 21:05:40
Model: Deco XE70 Pro  
Hardware Version: V20
Firmware Version: 1.2.11 Build 20240724 38913

I am experiencing an issue with the 2,4 GHz networks provided by my XE70 Pro mesh (3 nodes).  The mesh provides 3 networks: main, IoT, and Guest.  The IoT and Guest are 2.4 GHz only.  The problem became apparent when my Wyze cameras were often VERY slow to connect to and sometimes even appear offline.  These camera are 2.4 GHz only and are on the IoT network. Thought it may be a coverage issue so moved some cameras closer as a test, but no luck. 


After lots of Googling research and seeing other reports of similar issues, I started to look for tools to help me diagnose my particular issue.  I found a tool called WIFI Explorer which has provided some interesting insight into the behavior of my network.  I'll use screenshots below to tell the story. Since I have 3 XE70s in my mesh network, there are 3 versions of each of my networks (main, IoT, and Guest) visible at any given time.


I'll start by showing a picture of the signal strength of my 5 GHz network from the XE70 node that I am closet to:


The signal strength remains nice and flat for the 5 minute duration shown, which is what you would expect of your network. This is consistent across all XE70 nodes regarding the 5GHz network.  Never appears to be a drop in signal strength.


However, I'll now show the signal strength for all 3 nodes for the 2.4 GHz IoT network.


Node 1 - closest to my location:


Node 2 - Room 2


Node 3 - Room 3


All 3 nodes show VERY frequent times of complete outage during the same timeframe! This also happens on the 2.4 GHz network of my main network and Guest networks so is common to the system. I thought perhaps that it may be something in TP-Links implementation of a mesh network, but there have been times when ALL THREE are out at the same time giving me ZERO 2.4 GHz network coverage and wreaking havoc on my 2.4 GHz-based devices - particularly my Wyze cameras to the point where they are damn near useless.


I certainly HOPE someone can help here as I really want to like TP-Link products as I have quite a few.  And I will be MORE THAN HAPPY to admit ignorance if it is something that I am doing wrong.  Nothing special about my configuration as it is as it was out of the box.  No fancy config here. 


I am quite remote with the next neighbor about 1/2 mile away, so I would not think interference plays a part here.

20 Reply
Re:2.4 GHz network VERY unstable with Deco XE70s
2024-10-28 09:55:21

  @mbish92 Hi, Thank you very much for the feedback. I'd like to follow up on your case via email and consult with the senior engineer for further suggestions.

Please check whether you could receive my email.

Best regards.

Re:2.4 GHz network VERY unstable with Deco XE70s
2024-10-28 14:00:02

  @David-TP thanks.  I received the email and replied accordingly.  


As stated in my email response, Fast Roaming and Beamforming are OFF and the issue presists.

Re:2.4 GHz network VERY unstable with Deco XE70s
2025-01-15 01:15:16
I'm experiencing the same issues too none of my 2.4 ghz...is there any workaround for this?
Re:2.4 GHz network VERY unstable with Deco XE70s
2025-01-15 07:41:14

  @mbish92 Thanks for sharing this. I had a lot of 2.4Ghz problems too, as I think many others are also having. I'd not tried this though. Really wish I had. Please do update the posts here if you do progress this issue. I would be very interested to know the outcome. The more I read here after my own issues, the more DECO seems to have a major 2.4Ghz issue.  I am really hoping it is somthing they can address.

Re:2.4 GHz network VERY unstable with Deco XE70s
2025-01-17 16:01:54

  @pjs_gsy, yes.  The support team at TP-Link provided a beta version of the planned next firmware release for the X75/X70 mesh devices that HELPED the issue quite a bit, but did not entirely stop my 2.4GHz network from dropping out from time to time.  The beta firmware can be found here:




I will leave it to you if you choose to use it.


The issue was that all 3 of my nodes were selecting the same channel (in my case, channel 3) leading to what I assume was interfence between the nodes.  Now, with the beta load referenced above, each of my nodes is selecting a differnet channel (in my case, 2, 6, and 10 for 2.4GHz) resulting in a more stable network.  Again, still not perfect in that there are still times where the 2.4GHz network will completely drop out on a given node, but it occurs FAR les freequently and VERY rarely on all 3 nodes at the same time.


Hope this helps!


Re:2.4 GHz network VERY unstable with Deco XE70s
2025-01-22 11:50:13

  @David-TP I have a 3x XE75 V1 system running software 1.4.3 and am seeing exactly the same thing on my 2.4GHz IOT band.  Using WiFi Explorer below, I can see all the 2.4 GHz IOT channels continuously drop out and periodically my IOT devices disconnect and I have to manually add them back.  Please can you assist in resolving this issue?


Re:2.4 GHz network VERY unstable with Deco XE70s
2025-01-22 19:00:19

  @Fl1nst0ne this appears to be the identical problem that I experiened.  The issue is that all of your TP-Link 2.4GHz networks are on the same channel (in your case, Channel 10).  And to my knowledge, there is no way to change it such that each node in your mesh is on a different channel via the management GUI.  The beta load that TP-Link provided changed that and automatically selected a different channel for each of my nodes.  This greatly improved me situation.  


The beta load is for XE70 and XE75 devices.  But I would want TP-Link support to verify that it will work with your model before proceeding.  


Not sure when the official release will be made available that includes this fix.


Good luck!


Re:2.4 GHz network VERY unstable with Deco XE70s
2025-01-26 09:08:24

  @mbish92 - I have a very similar issue with my XE75 Pro setup (5x) that also has one XE50 Outdoor. All of my 2.4Ghz devices (Nest Cams, Nest smoke detector, Sonos, etc) cannot connect to TWO of my pods, but fine to the other 3... On those two pods I can see that the 2.4Ghz signal is not taken over from the Head pod or the connecting pod, but the 5Ghz and 6Ghz signals do (and are working fine). Have renamed the 6Ghz signal to not have it the same SSID as the 2.4 and 5Ghz but no luck. I might try to install the firmware update that was published above, but would rather have an official solution?

Re:2.4 GHz network VERY unstable with Deco XE70s
2025-02-05 16:20:25 - last edited 2025-02-05 16:21:45

I am seeing this same issue... It primarily impacts my Eufy cameras... I finally stood up a separate google nest network to handle my cameras since they were never reliable on the Deco X70. I would love to get them working on the Deco and stand down the extra network. Does anyone know when the beta software be available for testing, or released as an official release? I have a 4 node deco X70 setup.



Re:2.4 GHz network VERY unstable with Deco XE70s
2025-02-05 16:42:02

  @MickF Interesting.  Sounds very similar.  The beta load that was provided (via the link above) indicates that it is for both the XE70 Pro and XE75 Pro models, BUT I am on the XE70 Pro so cannot not speak to its success on the XE75 Pro.  I can say that it has dramtically improved my situation, but it has not elimiated it.  I still see my 2.4GHz network drop out completely on all 3 of my nodes.  Not necessarily at the same time, but sporadically.  


I am hoping that the official release (whenever that comes out) will have even further improvements.


I was also planning to get the outdoor XE50 unit but will hold off until the security concerns around TP-Link routers has cleared up. 
