BE800 - 2.4g unstable
My home network & devices :
2.4g = 4 IP cameras + 30 iot devices
5g = 2 TV + 1 phone + 1 notebook
6g = 1 phone + 1 notebook
After 1 week of router changing from AX73 to BE800
5g & 6g = good in range and speed.
But 2.4g = unstable,
the signal randomly drops and reconnects iot devices.
IP cameras have jerky images and dropped frame.
This did not happened to the old AX73.
Fixed channel of 2.4 = no help
Downgrade FW to 1.0.9 = no help
Enable/disable Smart Connect = no help
Separated SSiD for iot = no help
There is no risks of heat and power supply.
Please help.. :-(