Deco App Behaviour

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Deco App Behaviour

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Deco App Behaviour
Deco App Behaviour
2023-01-31 08:43:31

I seem to be having some problems with the Deco app. I was trying to troubleshoot a problem on a laptop last night only to find that the said laptop wasn't appearing as an Online Client, or for that matter as an Offline Client. The device randomly started working again but still wasn't visible on the client lists.


A bit more poking around and I can see devices online that I know aren't and devices offline that are in use. Doesn't seem to be any accuracy in the app at all.


it's on the latest firmware and OS version and I'm using the app on both my iPhone 13 Pro Max and my iPad Pro. Both show different results too.


I've rebooted the main Deco and then the others but I'm still getting inaccurate client lists.


Does anyone have any thoughts on what I can do to get the app/Deco working correctly?

1 Reply
Re:Deco App Behaviour
2023-02-01 03:16:35


Hi, Welcome to the community.

May I know the model number of your Deco?

If it is Deco M5, you could install the beta firmware here:

Deco M5 1.6.3:

By the way, a new IOS APP 3.2.10 has been released several days ago, and please also make sure your Deco APP is up to date.


Best regards.

