Archer MR600 v2 Ping problems, QOS problems, Auto-Restart problems using 4G/LTE
Hello! I have come to the conclusion over a year of usage that this router (used in 4G Mode!) has several problems.
First of all it seems like the ping fluctuates all over the place after the router has been online for several days. Now i know that LTE has this kind of issues but I am fairly certain that this isn't the case here since the problem fixes itself after a reboot. Now this is really bad for me because I use the router for gaming and having this issue mid game can really ruin the game. I suspect its a RAM managment issue but I cant tell since this isnt shown in the menu and ssh access is blocked and I dont want to open the Router to use the USART port.
Therefore I have decided to use the auto-reboot feature every day @5AM (Berlin Time) and this does not even remotely solve the issue. I don't even think it reboots at all since the problem described above still occurs regularly.
Additionally the QOS does not seem to limit bandwidth when needed in my test cases (40/35/25 priority), Tested with several devices speed testing and they don't throttle to the theoretically limit of QOS. Instead they all throttle to a limit where they all split up their bandwidth fairly similarly as expected without QOS. The maximum bandwidth is set to 80/20 and this is what I get before testing in real world usage with on PC and the built in speed test.
Furthermore I need to mention that I am using 4g+ mode with excellent signal reception. With about 20 devices logged in at all times with a mesh network and LAN. All other settings have been left on default.
I would love to see this fixed because it would increase my happiness of this product a LOT.
If you need any additionally information please feel free to contact me.