[Security issue] Can't connect to M7350 v3 from iOS15 as "WPA1 problem"
[Security issue] Can't connect to M7350 v3 from iOS15 as "WPA1 problem"
Hello there,
I wonder if I ask to fix the function about WiFi encryption as "WPA2 only" on M7350.
if it's possible, I would like to fix it or Does anyone has good idea for avoid the issue?
Recently Apple decided to block connecting into WPA1 encryption WiFi network. M7350 has "WPA/WPA2" compatible mode only. then apple device has blocked connecting TP-Link M7350. I tried to make Manual WiFI profile as "WPA2/WPA3 encryption". but it doesn't work well. so I guess it needs to fix on device frimware.
Best regards,