Archer MR600 Slower Connection
Hi all,
I currently have the MR600 v1 using the beta firmware so I can manually set the bands.
However, when I select Band 1, it's only getting 4G signal and not 4G+.
But on my phone, using the same sim card and same Band1, I get 4G+ and faster speeds.
When I select two bands, Band1 and Band3, only Band3 is used for the CA. The Band1 was not used at all.
I'm not sure why Band1 is slower on the MR600 than on my phone.
Band1 is the best band in my area.
Please help me on my issue. I just bought the MR600, the original firmware (not the beta) is also slower than my phone that's why I used the beta version hoping that I would get a better speed.
Thank you.