Archer MR600(EU) V1 and 4G+ band aggregation
In general, I am rather happy with my new modem. Unfortunately, like for many other users, 4G+ mode is never active.
My SIM is definitely capable of linking multiple bands, and it works on another modem, on the phone and iPad without any problem.
My provider is Austrian Drei, and I am using it in very close proximity to the tower that supports B1 and B3. Tests performed on the phone
(I have an advanced diagnostic App installed) shows that there is no problem to do links in any combination: B3-B1, B3-B3, B1-B1.
The signal is nearly perfect RSRP -80, RSRQ -8, SNR 25+, but no luck with getting band aggregation. I did try the latest beta. No problems to
select B1 and B3 in any combination, but only one is used. The previously shared table of supported modes indicates that CA_3C and CA_3A-3A should work,
but they don't work for me. I get just a single B3. The speed is not so bad, but jitter gets too high occasionally compare to the test done on the phone (2-3 times
compare to phone 4G+ mode). And that is a big deal for me as it has a substantial impact on video conferencing quality. If I use my phone with that SIM
as a modem and access point, there is no problem, and I get 4G+. So it is definitely not a network provider. And this is a rather frustrating experience with Euro 100+ device.
I hope your engineers and programmers could find a solution and incorporate it in the future firmware. And to have support for CA_1A-1A and CA_1A-3A or CA_3A-1A
would be good too.
Best regards,