Archer CR700 2.4Ghz continually fails, 5Ghz works all the time
To whom it may concern:
My Archer CR700 has since day one had an issue with the 2.4Ghz wireless network randomly fails to broadcast or keep devices linked, which causes me to change one of the settings (Usually the channel) and then save the new settings and the the previously working devices will re-link! I did not find any reviews or posts prior to purchasing this device, and had I, I would not have purchased this pain in the ass, poor quality device. I sought assistance and have posted several time on this website, so that other's are aware!!!!!
I have since found one and only one thing that lengthens the random loss of the 2.4Ghz network, and that is to set up and use the MAC ID Filtering. When I add the MAC ID for all the devices that I plan to use on the 2.4Ghz network with. Mind you this is still a pain in the ass to have to change a setting or reboot the device. I will when $$ permits replace this Cable Modem with a different manufactures products.