Sky Q, Vodafone VDSL router and tp-link RE650
Hi, I have a Vodafone VDSL router which is connected to my SKY-Q hub with a SKY booster in a room above my TV and SKY-Q box. Lately, the upstairs TV has been disconnecting and I am also occasionally having problems with the SKY Q hub with the main issue appearing to be the booster needing a reset but occasionally the main hub needs resetting.
As the main problem appeared to be the booster I ordered an RE650 which arrived yesterday and I had no problems connecting to the router but it wouldn't connect to the SKY Q hub. I read that there was an issue about dual band so I went into the VDSL firmware and separated the 2.4 and 5 Ghz channels and this improved things a little but the upstairs TV doesn't seem to want to use the booster.
Does anybody have any ideas about this issue as it seems SKY gear has an inherent dislike for anything not SKY?