VotesVR2800v | Parental Control
VR2800v | Parental Control
Archer VR2800v
Hardware Version: V1
Firmware Version: . v006d.0 Build 180410 Rel 61139n
Hello again,
Another Feature Request from me for future Updates.
Can the "Parental Control" more than a placebo
e.g. extended to use explicit LAN-wide Whitelisting, and not per MAC Black/Whitelisting.
or and that is Supported on Other models, predefined Lists of allowed or Blocked Content.
Adding every Blacklisted Website (explicit content) may be a Job for a lot of Days endlessly adding different websites.
As for we got some Modules from the German "Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien" (BPjM).
Let us begin another discussion