Possible find out which downstream devices are using all my data?
I seem to have reached my 500GB limit this month which is a bit odd as I had 50GB left as of yesterday. Tbh, im surprised I've used up 500GB a month because our avg monthly use is around 350GB.
Is there a way to find out which devices are using up all my data and how much data they are using?
I'm concerned something is going on here and I would love to see a list of MAC addresses with their historical data use. I want to make sure theres not a rogue device somewhere doing something it shouldn't.
I actually use 2x unfi access points (NanoHDs) which handles my wifi network and im looking into whether I can check the data use from any device using those (not having much luck so far there!) but i also have wired devices going straight into the MR600 and hopefull I can check. We do watch 4k TV now so even if i have peace of mind that its just my firestick using all that data, at least I know what it is!