Tapo Smart Camera
2024-12-04 15:27:45
C310 camera dos not connect to router
Connection by ethernet works good. When I try to connect by wfi, there is no CAM... SSID in my Android tablet's settings. Tablet Bluetooth does not find camera. No ip address is assigned by router. Al
Tapo Smart Camera
2024-11-21 12:31:06
Is Solla-topee a human or an AI?
I have the same problem on both my cameras, detailed at topic 716130. What ever I post I get the same replies, which is copied from the Help. Does anyone know if the replier (Solla-topee) is a human o
Tapo Smart Camera
2024-11-20 13:07:44
C310 shows slowly flashing red light on installing with wireless connection
C310 installs Ok with Ethernet connection: it even fprmats the Sd card Ok and can record. However, C310 shows slowly flashes red light on trying to install with wireless connection. C310 is not found
Tapo Smart Camera
2024-11-15 16:01:18
TC60 does not connect to router
When I try to connect my TC60 camera to my TP-Link Archer C80 router, the TC60 LED flashes red swowly, router does not allocate an ip addreess, and camera says Format SD card. I'm not able to use the
Tapo Smart Camera
2024-11-13 16:48:51
No ip address for C310 camera allocated by TP-LInkArcher C80 router
No ip address for C310 camera allocated by TP-LInk Archer C80 router. Light on C310 is flashing red slowly. Android app Tapo
Wi-Fi Routers
2024-10-25 07:43:57
Does my router have a DNS page where I can add a local DNS entry
Does my router have a DNS page where I can add a local DNS entry. I want to point my website (johnrose.mywire.or)g at my nginx server so that I can properly test my website's html etc as locahost or t