PS5 Slim and DECO AXE5400 - Cant see WIFI 6 option
Sorry if thereś an answer for this question, but I could not find one.
I have this DECO XE75 Mesh system in my house. I's installed and running for about 1 year.
My phone and any device that accepts Wifi6 is working. My S24 shows Wifi6E connection.
Recently I bought a PS5 Slim, and I know it is WIFI 6 compatible (not 6E). But I've discovered it was connecting to the 5ghz band.
On PS5 network options., I select my WIFI, select connection options and band selection. It shows only 5ghz and 2.4ghz.
I already turned off Fastroaming and Beamforming. Didn't work.
If I force the band to 6ghz on my Deco system, the PS5 cant connect anymore. If connects only on 5ghz.
Has somebody have any clue on what can I do to make it recognize my WIFI6 ?
Thank you !