Tapo Plug Energy Monitoring 2.0 Update

Tapo Plug Energy Monitoring 2.0 Update

69 Reply
Re:Tapo Plug Energy Monitoring 2.0 Update
2022-12-02 17:08:58


QuestionReality wrote

TimMoss wrote



With the

iPhone iOS Tapo App version 2.11.24


P110 V1.0 Firmware 1.1.6


I do NOT see this problem with the "Year" tab

at first glance (I had a very brief look through all the graphs, calendar etc.) it all appears to be working for me



Maybe it is just an Android problem?


It does seem to be an Android app problem.  I now have 2.11.43 and still the same issue.


However, with my own code accessing the P110 device, I can happily retrieve the Year data, so I can confirm it is an issue with the App rather than the firmware.

Re:Tapo Plug Energy Monitoring 2.0 Update
2022-12-05 03:13:42


For 'Year' tab problem - "There is no data yet"

- please expect a fix in the next app update.

For ' In year view there is no such indicator/dot to swipe to previous year'

@Wayne-TP  Do you have any information about this? Thx!





Re:Tapo Plug Energy Monitoring 2.0 Update
2022-12-05 08:18:09

Solla-topee wrote


For 'Year' tab problem - "There is no data yet"

- please expect a fix in the next app update.

For ' In year view there is no such indicator/dot to swipe to previous year'

@Wayne-TP  Do you have any information about this? Thx!







Many thanks for the update..

Re:Tapo Plug Energy Monitoring 2.0 Update-Solution
2022-12-05 11:45:12 - last edited 2022-12-05 11:45:25
Recommended Solution
Re:Tapo Plug Energy Monitoring 2.0 Update
2023-01-15 15:42:39

QuestionReality wrote



Whilst I appreciate there are problems with the Tapo Plug Energy Monitoring 2.0 Update at present and that they are being investigated, can I ask a question that will become important at the end of the year?


In both 'Day' view and 'Month' view you can swipe to go back (7 days or 3 months) as indicated by the dots:


In year view there is no such indicator.


The question is what will happen on the 1st January 2023? Will the now 'previous' year (2022) history suddenly become unavailable?


On a second note, the date format in 'month' view in the popup and the axis displays MM/DD. It would be preferable for the UK for the option to be DD/MM or for consistency just use '27 Oct' in the popup, and remove the MM from the axis.



I notice that this has been addressed in Tapo app Version 2.12.705 where you can now scroll back to last year - Many thanks.


Unfortunately a new bug has been introduced whereby swiping right when on the left most 'dot' - 7 days ago, 3 months ago, or last year scrolls the entire screen to the 'Power' tab. This and the fact that the 'Year' tab now seems to default to last year means that it is not possible to see this years total except in the 'full screen' landscape view.

Re:Tapo Plug Energy Monitoring 2.0 Update
2023-01-17 00:59:54

  @QuestionReality thank you for keep us updated 

I will try to grab an Android phone to see if this can be reproduced, meanwhile it is much appreciated if you can paste a photo of the tab you mentioned. Thanks in advance.

Re:Tapo Plug Energy Monitoring 2.0 Update
2023-01-17 10:41:47



Solla-topee wrote

  @QuestionReality thank you for keep us updated 

I will try to grab an Android phone to see if this can be reproduced, meanwhile it is much appreciated if you can paste a photo of the tab you mentioned. Thanks in advance.


Please find attached picture as requested.



The problem occurs on Day, Month, and Year view. when you swipe to the left most dot, you cannot swipe right. Swiping right changes the whole screen from the 'Energy Usage' screen to the 'Power' screen.


Also while Day and Month default to the current period, Year defaults to the first period (ie last year).


I have replicated this on two android phones and an android tablet.


Many thanks for looking into this.

Re:Tapo Plug Energy Monitoring 2.0 Update
2023-01-31 12:14:58 - last edited 2023-02-01 03:50:44

 Update  @QuestionReality  

Thank you for reporting the Power Usage Graph 1st dot related issue, 

Here is a Tapo Trial APP 2.14.202 (362)that contained this fix.

As learned from the team, this is expected to be fixed in the 2.14.x version Tapo APP, the ETA is not confirmed yet, you can keep an eye Google Play Store for Tapo app update.  

Thank you again for your work on the problem-solving. wink

Re:Tapo Plug Energy Monitoring 2.0 Update
2023-01-31 13:47:23

Solla-topee wrote

  @QuestionReality Hi I was able to reproduce the issue you reported, i'd shared with the team and see when this will be fixed. 



Many thanks...

Re:Tapo Plug Energy Monitoring 2.0 Update
2023-02-16 10:33:06 - last edited 2023-02-19 09:55:13

Solla-topee wrote

 Update  @QuestionReality  

Thank you for reporting the Power Usage Graph 1st dot related issue, 

Here is a Tapo Trial APP 2.14.202 (362)that contained this fix.

As learned from the team, this is expected to be fixed in the 2.14.x version Tapo APP, the ETA is not confirmed yet, you can keep an eye Google Play Store for Tapo app update.  

Thank you again for your work on the problem-solving. wink



Hi just updated the Tapo App to 2.14.205 and the issue is partially fixed.


What was also reported in post #49 but does not appear to have been fixed is:


Also while Day and Month default to the current period, Year defaults to the first period (ie last year).


(to replicate this, leave the screen and go back in, each time it wil default to 2022 totals.)  


Many thanks...


UPDATE 17 February 2023: This now appears to be fixed.


UPDATE 19 February 2023: Today it defaulted back to last year on the 'Year' view. So not fixed but different behaviour.
