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Forums/ Wi-Fi Routers
By bambinotenchie 2020-02-26 03:21:23

IPSEC VPN tunnel - Single IP for local and remote tunnel access

Hello there, On setting up IPSEC VPN section. I noticed there are option to set up tunnel access from local and remote access using single IP address instead using Subnet addresss. If both set to Sing
Forums/ Routers
By bambinotenchie 2019-07-05 10:19:46

GRE/IPSEC tunnel on TP-Link VPN router

Hi there, I found out all TP-Link router/modem supports LAN to LAN IPSEC VPN tunnel. Is it possible to have a tunnel interface which can be used for GRE/IPSEC tunnel? Any future plan to support this f
Forums/ 5G/4G Wi-Fi Routers/MiFi
By bambinotenchie 2019-07-05 10:02:28

How to configure IPSEC LAN to LAN VPN tunnel with TP-Link Archer MR200 and Cisco router

Hello all, I created a how-to document on IPSEC LAN to LAN VPN tunnel configuration using TP-Link Archer MR200 (v2) with Cisco 1800R Series router. Feel free to check it out and give comments. Thanks.