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Forums/ Controllers
By TakeshiKovacs 2024-08-07 10:10:55

OMADA 5.15 Radius deprecation

Hi, I updated my OC200 controller earlier this week and after that, I saw a warning message advising that the inbuilt RADIUS feature will be deprecated/removed completely in 5.15, eg: Why is Built-in
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
By Solla-topee 2021-04-25 09:26:49

Kasa devices reboot randomly

Updated 5/13 : added beta for HS100 (EU)V4 This Article Applies to: HS103, HS210, HS220, HS200, KP303, KP400,KP105,KL110,KL130,HS300 Some customers may find that some of their Kasa devices would rando