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Forums/ WiFi
By lukass2000 2022-02-10 11:34:23

"Wall" Access Point have no Mesh, also no Omada Mesh compatibility???

Hello, in the specifications from all "Wall" EAP Access Point is always stated that they do not support mesh. This also applies to Omada Mesh? I use two EPA225 with mesh support. Now when I add a "Wal
Forums/ Controllers
By lukass2000 2022-02-10 10:39:01

TP-Link ER605 differences v1.0 and v2.0

Hello, I would like to buy an R605 Router, but my dealer only has v1.0. Now I don't know if this model is obsolete, or can I still buy it? So i wanted to ask, what is the difference between v1 and v2?
Forums/ Controllers
By lukass2000 2022-02-06 09:56:43

See live traffic / real time monitoring in Omada SDN or find user with most bandwidth usage

Hello, can i see somewhere in Omada SDN how much traffic right now live is used? So not every hour, every day, just real time monitoring. And subsequently, which device is currently causing the most t
Forums/ Controllers
By lukass2000 2022-02-04 15:34:04

Difference of the scenarios in the initial configuration

Hello, ist i start the Omada SDN Configuration, i must select a scenario. Does it make a difference what is selected here? Does this change the settings? Thanks :)
Forums/ Controllers
By lukass2000 2022-01-30 19:05:49

Internet usage with certain hours daily limit

Hello, Is there a possibility in Omada to limit Internet use to a certain total time? The child should be allowed to use the internet for 3 hours a day. The 3 hours should be freely usable throughout
Forums/ Controllers
By lukass2000 2022-01-29 18:36:49

Omada compatible 5 port switch

Hello, will soon rebuild my network and am currently researching and comparing, whether Unifi or TP-Link Omada is better for me. Omada is currently in the lead Unifi has an extremely cheap 5 port swit