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Forums/ Controllers
By jstorz 2021-07-10 00:47:09

TL-R605 how to add firewall rules? (ex. block incoming IPv6)

Hi- I am using a local Omada software controller (4.4.3) to manage my network, and recently installed the (beta 1.1.0) firmware for this router. Can confirm that IPv6 is working great! Am able to use
Forums/ Routers
By Kogo 2016-11-15 21:38:06


Model : TL-R600VPN Hardware Version : Firmware Version : 1.2.3 Build 140801 Rel.49374n ISP : The Access Control Rules appear to block only outgoing traffic to specific IP addresses. How can I block IN
Forums/ Controllers
By KocherJJ 2021-11-22 03:06:30

Omada Software Controller_v5.0.15 Linux release?

Is there an estimated release date for the new v5 controller for Linux? Is there a particular issue with it that is causing the delayed release or is it just low on the to-do list? In the past I seem
Forums/ Controllers
By ZdenekM 2021-12-03 15:02:13

High number of PPTP log failure alerts

Each day I'm getting about ten alerts like this: [Failed]TL-R605: PPTP Account x.x.x.x failed to log in because the username or password is wrong. ...which is a bit annoying and I'm also concerned abo
Forums/ Controllers
By ZandrM 2021-11-14 20:32:44

Keep PPPoE connected?

Is there a way to configure a PPPoE WAN connection to be "nailed-up", that is remain connected continuously? I have a remote site (controller is not on-site) with a PPPoE connection, and I get a ton o
Forums/ Controllers
By PavelV 2021-08-07 11:00:27

TL-R605 is newest firmware 1.1.1 Build 20210723 Rel.64608 ok?

Hello, my hw controller Omada OC200 announced me about new firmware for TL-R605 router. I want to update, but I'm worried. Will the update be performed correctly? Thank you for the experience. Pavel