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Forums/ Controllers
By OneBadGADawg 2022-06-08 18:46:45

ER605 Disconnects

Hello, I'm having issues with my router disconnecting from my network on a regular basis. The disconnects don't seem to cause connectivity issues for clients or other Omada switches or APs at first bu
Forums/ Controllers
By Anthony0101 2022-10-01 18:50:35

Omada on Promox

Hello, I will run Omada SDN on a VM at my host. I would like to migrate to Proxmox and I would like to know if there is any contraindication? The VM will have a FailOver IP otherwise nothing special T
Forums/ Controllers
By infinitytec 2022-06-15 15:53:11

Unable to reset TL-R605

After a firmware upgrade my TL-R605 is not talking to the Omada controller... I've been able to access the web portal via but it's not taking my credentials. I have attempted to reset it w
Forums/ Controllers
By Fleegle61 2022-06-15 12:58:33

ER605 1.21 upgrade failed then it disappeared, anyone else see this?

I got notified this morning when I went into the OC200 that there was a new firmware update for my ER605. I tried to upgrade from 1.20 to 1.21 and it failed. The router came back on version 1.20 so al
Forums/ Controllers
By infinitytec 2022-04-21 03:18:16

Where can we get form results?

I have a form set up for my hotspot authentication portal. Where can I get the answers that people give?
Forums/ Controllers
By Gorki 2022-01-26 18:37:22

Omada Controller Client-to-Site VPN

Dear Community! I've setup environment with: .) Router ER7206 HW: v1.0 FW: 1.1.1 Build 20210723 Rel.64359 .) OC300 HW: V1.0 FW: 1.7.1 Build 20220112 Rel.64791 .) and some supported switches and Wlan A