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Forums/ Feature Request
2021-11-30 23:15:42
Re:Energy Monitoring Plugs : Do not switch off under load
@loic_fr i like this idea but we must have a override for emergency shutdown of a malfunctioning device. if it is on fire but still with watts above threshold i would still like to switch it off maybe
Forums/ Feature Request
2021-11-30 23:13:10
reset energy monitoring counters
a reset button on energy stats to zero them would be good so each time your wayward employees light up my SPI firewalls instead of working and looking at broken NTP servers and things i don't need to...
Forums/ Feature Request
2021-11-30 23:09:20
Re:Support for VLANS - kasa app
@Yokushka this is not how multicast works. you have created 2 separate networks and now wonder why they do not behave as 1?
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
2021-11-05 19:55:57
Re:TP-LINK Kasa KP115 - Energy Monitoring
@Xaber2k electricity is watts. which is volts in your house x amps of the device. in my home in the uk i would expect for those things: l.e.d tv = 200 watts console = 150 watts phone = 30 watts...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
2021-11-05 00:54:02
Re:TP-LINK Kasa KP115 - Energy Monitoring
@Xaber2k 1. you can see the following: current watts. daily watts. average daily for the week. weekly total average daily for the rolling month. rolling month total and same again but in hours you...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
2021-11-03 14:50:09
Re:hs110 ridiculous energy usage stats
solution = accept that tp-link will never admit it does not know times in winter, roll back to v 2 34, delete all smart actions, power cycle the hs110, live with only 2 of 6 server stored stats being...