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Forums/ Deco
2019-05-09 22:31:48
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Nodes unstabe after upgrading to 1.2.8
All seemed stable, but today I got a new issue: I was not able to connect any client to the main unit with wifi anymore: I tried multiple devices, but they all were not getting an ip address. On the...
Forums/ Deco
2019-05-07 10:12:15
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Nodes unstabe after upgrading to 1.2.8
Hi, I did a "total reset" of everything (see steps below) Now my network is up again for multiple days without any issues :) My assumption for possible causes of the issues: - The update process is...
Forums/ Deco
2019-05-03 13:25:04
Nodes unstabe after upgrading to 1.2.8
Previously i was running on 1.2.4 - Not a single issue in > 6 months! (so very stable connections, no disconnecting nodes, no disconnecting clients => rock solid) Immediately after the update to...
Forums/ Deco
2019-05-03 13:08:54
Re:Re:Deco M5 firmware 1.2.8 fast roaming creates an additional open network access point
i am also running on 1.2.8 and also see an open network now: Deco_896C. I doesn't disappear, also not when i disabe fast roaming. And indeed: you can connect to this open network