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Forums/ Pharos Wireless Bridges
2019-04-02 06:16:50
Re:Re:Re:CPE-510 AP mode issue
2.2.0 Build 20190125 firmware is released, but don't solve this problem.
Forums/ Pharos Wireless Bridges
2019-02-13 13:22:46
Re:Re:CPE-510 AP mode issue
Hi RTouris! Thank you for the reply. You know when will version 2.1.14 be released?
Forums/ Pharos Wireless Bridges
2018-12-20 11:12:18
CPE-510 AP mode issue
Hi All! I have a problem with the CPE-510 V3.0 outdoor AP. If I configure this AP mode, I don't find this with the another CPE-510 client. I don't see the AP SSID, and don't connect. I try to connect...