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Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2019-04-17 02:25:22
Re:Re:Re:Re:Buzzing noise from LB120 bulb
Right, you should use an ordinary physical switch to send power to the bulb. I've never tried but I suspect that even on full power a dimmer, especially a modern one, does not pass power straight...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Switches
2019-04-13 15:00:19
Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Re:Scene from Sunset for defined time
Sorry Roger, I didn't see your question. Yes for apple - AutomationManager runs as a server/hub on a low end android device that you can forget about once it's setup (usually about $20-$30 from best...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Bulbs
2019-04-13 14:56:40
Re:Buzzing noise from LB120 bulb
Typically you wouldn't use a switch to control an LB120. It can be controlled by a regular switch though usually just to reset it - normally you leave the LB120 powered on. If it's buzzing there's a...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
2019-03-27 04:19:09
Re:Re:HS110 not pairing, resetting or anything
And double check the reset/setup instructions, from your description it sounds like you may not doing it properly.
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
2019-03-18 16:43:10
Re:Switching off if appliance on standby
I'm curious why you would want this? If you're trying to save energy modern appliances use so little power on standby that the energy savings payback of buying an HS110 to monitor is measured in...
Forums/ Kasa Smart Plugs
2019-02-27 01:23:56
Re:Multiple AP problem
If your router supports it you might try enabling multicast. Unfortunately kasa/tplink is using multicast in a non-standard way - an invalid group ip or port IIRC - so not all routers will recognize...