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Forums/ Deco
2018-03-22 16:24:07
Re:Deco m5 with a switch
I think they say 64.
Forums/ Deco
2018-03-05 06:52:23
Re:Unable to set IP reservation
FWIW, I have 8 reservations in mine.
Forums/ Deco
2018-03-04 20:57:03
Re:Unable to set IP reservation
I think I read somewhere along the way on here, that there's a maximum limit of how many reservations you can make...16? 32? Could it be that?
Forums/ Deco
2018-01-28 20:47:33
Re:Best Wifi Network Adapter (USB) for Deco M5
Your old wifi adapter might be of the 54Mbps kind...I've got one of those lying round somewhere and they do limit the speed. I think most any wifi adapter you would buy in a store these days would be...
Forums/ Deco
2018-01-27 14:54:40
Re:How to remove old devices from DECO App
So it looks like there's plenty of demand for the feature!!
Forums/ Deco
2018-01-22 07:57:03
Re:How to remove old devices from DECO App
Yes, I too would like to know this! It's been asked before, but nobody came up with a working solution.