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Forums/ Tapo Smart Plug
a week ago
Re:Using Tapa P110 to control dehumidifier
Looking at my Tapo app I can see that it has an Auto-Humidity Control. There it asks you to select a Temperature/Humidity device, the sensor you wish to use. Currently it shows my other two sensors,...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Plug
a week ago
Re:Using Tapa P110 to control dehumidifier
@Wayne-TP I understand that Wayne. The appliance I am referring to is a Meaco Dehumidifier. Currently I have the plug programmed to turn the Meaco on at 8am and turn off at 5pm. What I want the...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Plug
a week ago
Re:Using Tapa P110 to control dehumidifier
@Wayne-TP Many thanks for this Wayne, appreciate your invaluable help. Just ordered another Tapo P110 to control my Meaco Dehumidifier in my Study.
Forums/ Tapo Smart Plug
2 weeks ago
Using Tapo P110 to control dehumidifier
I have just bought a Tapo P110 smart plug to turn off dehumidifier when my heat/humidity sensor reaches a certain level in my bedroom. i.e when the humidity drops below 60% I want it to switch off...
Forums/ Tapo Smart Camera
2 weeks ago
Camera with Kasa Hub KH100
I have a Kasa Hub KH100 controlling three radiators and a temp sensor. Can I view a T-P link camera using this hub or do you have to use a Tapo hub?
Forums/ Kasa Smart Thermostat
2 weeks ago
Re:Tapo T310 Smart Temperature and Humidity Sensor
@Wayne-TP Many thanks for this Wayne, have got it set up great now.