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Forums/ Routers
2025-01-23 19:03:36
Re:7412 worse IDS/ IPS performance (router is only using 2 CPU cores not all 4)
@GRL 7 of 12 are turned on P2P and Internet Traffic is turned off the rest on.. [Here is a Screenshot] Basically if anyone has any idea please tell me, maybe I'm doing something wrong Edit: If you...
Forums/ Routers
2025-01-23 18:32:09
7412 worse IDS/ IPS performance (router is only using 2 CPU cores not all 4)
I bought a few weeks ago the TP Link ER7412-M2 router cause I needed a better IDS/ IPS performance for my FTTH internet connection.. I noticed now when I turn it on the performance is a little bit...
Forums/ Requests & Suggestions
2024-12-26 20:36:43
No FQDN support as Endpoint for Wireguard (in Standalone mode)
At the start that is the hardware version, not sure which one is correct to select: I wanted to connect my "external" network with my TP Link ER707-M2 at home, but I encountered an issue, since here...