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Forums/ WiFi
2024-10-21 21:01:28
Re:Omada WiFi Mesh roaming problems while making calls
any idea or suggestion? no one?
Forums/ Routers
2024-10-15 16:20:17
Re:ER605 DHCP lease list
@MR.S there is for example problem, when I add some new DHCP capable device to the network (e,g, ESP based devices), where I do not know the hostname nor MAC, finding the correct IP will be almost...
Forums/ Routers
2024-10-15 15:00:03
Re:ER605 DHCP lease list
@MR.S negative - on the list are clients with fixed IP too... and definitely not all of them - I miss some active clients with fixed IP here for example Asus has two lists: all client list where is...
Forums/ Routers
2024-10-15 13:58:44
ER605 DHCP lease list
hallo all, am I blind, or there is no possibility to see the list of DHCP leases?
Forums/ Routers
2024-10-14 19:10:53
Re:ER605 show clients connected to OpenVPN server
@MR.S sorry... Omada is quite a different world and on Asus routers are those informations (incl. configuration) in one place under the VPN Tab - not spread across almost the entire GUI... and, just...
Forums/ Routers
2024-10-14 16:15:44
Re:ER605 show clients connected to OpenVPN server
@MR.S thanks! I'm new with Omada, I'm currently transitioning my network from Asus routers to Omada