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Forums/ Deco
2023-10-22 14:53:05
Re:Separate 6GHz and 2.4+5GHz SSIDs - is it really necessary?
@IanAlmighty You can set the 6GHz SSID to the same as your 2.4/5GHz SSID after configuring your 6GHz WiFi to "Wi-Fi Network & Backhaul". I haven't tested it myself as I don't have any 6e-compatible...
Forums/ Deco
2023-10-18 09:59:13
Re:BT Full Fibre 900
I'm not sure what help you're asking for, but my immediate response is... You say you have BT's Home Hub 2 at the moment: do you mean BT Smart Hub 2 (SH2)? If so, then BT won't provide a replacement...
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2023-10-11 15:38:48
Re:PG2400P Kit PLAs Really Slow
@cocofyn Well, thanks for nothing. So, you're basically saying I get the speeds I get. There's no practical help in the two articles you referenced, apart from what I've already done. So, I've...
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2023-10-10 13:26:22
Re:PG2400P Kit PLAs Really Slow
@cocofyn Some more info... this is in a 1990 residential property, with a single consumer unit and all electrical wiring was upgraded to current standards about two years ago. It was about 2 months...
Forums/ Powerline Adapters
2023-10-10 12:58:26
PG2400P Kit PLAs Really Slow
I have just bought 2 x PG2400P KIT powerline adapters, to supplement my Deco XE75 Pro mesh network, to provide - I hoped - better Ethernet speeds for specific devices on my network, specifically...