Tapo Smart Light Bulb
2023-10-29 17:08:51
@Mully_DE I think most people won't notice because they are using the bulbs in a normal room, but in a well treated studio you can hear a wristwatch ticking. I bought 4 bulbs (two packs of 2) and the...
Feature Requests
2023-10-18 11:53:43
@Home_Cameras This has been requested before, and for a good reason. I have two cameras that are not fixed and I place them at different locations depending on what I want to monitor. I have three...
Feature Requests
2023-10-18 11:49:03
I would like this too. The camera seems to store different Wi-Fi credentials, but there is no option to switch. This would be very useful for cameras that are not fixed.
Tapo Smart Camera
2023-10-18 11:47:41
The image preview in Camera settings > Detection > Motion Detection > Activity Zones always shows an old/outdated still image captured many days ago. Judging by the timestamp, it looks like the...
Feature Requests
2023-10-18 11:33:41
Like the title says, the Save button on the Motion Detection page looks like it's grayed out but actually it is not, so it can be confusing: Another problem with the Tapo app is that it doesn't use a...
Feature Requests
2023-10-13 10:06:38
I've uploaded a video here (watch from 2:35) to show what I mean. Basically, the time selection controls are expand-collapse type and are part of the whole user interface. The problem is BOTH the...